Now we’ll live together!» joyfully declared the mother-in-law, bursting into the young couple’s cozy space with a pair of dirty boots and a serving of criticism for her daughter-in-law.

– Here I am! Now we’ll live together! – Hello… – So, why are you just standing there with your mouth agape? Grab the bags, show me where my room is! The mother-in-law entered Marina and Pavel’s cozy apartment as if it were her own home, leaving two huge bags by the door. She tossed […]


Don’t pay for her apartment, she might kick you out,» his mother had taught him, and now she’s outraged that I don’t want to host them for the holidays.

— “Mama and Lyuba have already bought the tickets,” Sergey said casually, not taking his eyes off his phone. Nina froze, holding a cutting board. Every year it’s the same — her husband forces her into this situation. — “And when are they coming?” she asked, trying to speak calmly. — “On the 30th. For […]


A former inmate landed a job as a nurse’s aide at a hospital, but she could never have imagined who she would encounter there.

You see, I can take you on, but only on a probationary period. Even for a position that’s, let’s say, not the most prestigious,” the elderly doctor said, looking at Marina with a tired but attentive gaze. “Of course, I understand everything. Thank you very much. Elsewhere, they even refused me on probation.” He thoughtfully […]
