27 Years Ago, A Woman Adopted A Boy. The Way The Adopted Son Repaid This Kindness Surprised The Whole Country.


This story might not have happened if one day one person with a big heart did not help another. It is known that good has the property of returning to the sender, and today you will see this again.

When applying for adoption, Ingeborg Mackintosh could not even imagine how this noble act would turn out for her! After 27 years, her dedication and boundless love for her neighbor literally saved Ingeborg’s life. Ingeborg Mackintosh has chosen an unusual and very difficult profession. She is the guardian of the children who were abandoned by their parents. More than 120 thousand abandoned children found warmth, attention and care in their foster mother’s house.

And although Ingeborg treated every child with boundless awe and love, this baby just won his heart. In a shelter for children abandoned by their parents, Ingeborg met a 4-year-old baby and immediately realized that it was a boy. However, it did not work out right away to adopt little Jordan.

Despite the benevolent attitude of the guardianship authorities, Macintosh was not allowed to take the child to herself.

As it turned out, the boy’s biological mother set a condition – only African-Americans or a mixed family could adopt Jordan. For about four years, the boy was looking for a suitable family all over the country.

As a result, after fruitless research, Jordan still became the official son of Ingeborg Mackintosh.

20 years later – the trouble came suddenly…

A happy life went on its own. The boy became an adult, an independent man. However, he always remembered the one who replaced his mother and restored faith in people.

Jordan was grateful to Mackintosh for his childhood—for the care and love she gave him. And a few months ago, he had the opportunity to thank his mother.

Polycystic kidney disease was found in Ingeborg, and an urgent transplant operation was required. Needless to say, the queue for donor organs was huge. People have been waiting for years and often will not wait for a life-saving operation.

Realizing this, Mackintosh set herself up for the fact that her life, which she spent without a drop of pity on helping others, was coming to an end. But then her beloved boy intervened in the matter…

As soon as Jordan found out his mom’s illness, he immediately passed all the necessary tests to check for compatibility. It turned out that his kidney was completely suitable for transplantation. Without a shadow of a doubt, the guy gave a part of himself to his named, but most native mother.

Fortunately, the operation was successful, and now Ingeborg continues to live to the joy of all her adopted children, and of course, Jordan. She adopted 120,000 children, but only one saved her… A beautiful and absolutely symbolic nuance: the operation was performed on the eve of the Mother’s Day holiday. And it doesn’t matter if it’s your own mother or foster mother. Jordan ‘s own words describe what happened very simply and sincerely:

«It’s the least I could do. She saved me, I had to save her.»

Such an attitude is rarely found even among people related by blood. Perhaps this is a good reason to think about how our actions can change our lives for the better. Unselfishness and attention, care and love are those priceless coins that you should not take care of and keep to yourself.