My son will continue to live in this apartment, but you, get out!»—the mother-in-law decided she had the right to dispose of my property.


Marina stood in front of the mirror, adjusting her hair. She wanted to look decent. Colleagues at work had long joked that she just waved her hand at herself. That wasn’t true. It was just that in the past few months she had neither time, energy, nor desire to take care of herself.

Sergey lay on the sofa, lazily clicking through the TV remote. A year ago, Marina would have certainly exploded. But now she simply turned away silently and continued getting ready for work.

«Are you going to be late today?» Sergey asked without even turning his head towards her.

«Yes, we have reports to submit,» Marina replied as she fastened the buttons on her blouse.

Marina worked as an accountant at a large firm. The job was serious and very responsible. But now it was the only thing that gave her stability—both financially and emotionally.

«Do you have any plans for today at all?» Marina had asked her husband many times already.

Sergey sighed heavily, as if from immeasurable exhaustion. His eyes never left the TV screen.

«Here we go again. How many times do I have to tell you that it’s hard to find work nowadays?»

«And do you even try to look for any?» Marina pressed, her lips pressed together.

She immediately regretted having started the conversation. The morning was already ruined, and a hard workday lay ahead.

«You just don’t understand men. We need time to find ourselves!» Sergey raised his voice and sat up on the sofa.

Silently, Marina grabbed her purse and headed for the door. Every morning turned out to be much like yesterday: pointless conversations, empty promises, and irritation.

In eight years of marriage, Marina had grown accustomed to Sergey’s lack of ambition at work. At first, he had been an ambitious builder, then he decided to go into sales. Later he got interested in computers, quit yet another job to take some courses. But none of his pursuits lasted more than six months.

For the past year, Sergey hadn’t worked at all. He lay on the sofa, making excuses. Marina had to manage the entire household on her own.

This marriage was held together solely by her efforts. A thought that flashed through her mind made Marina pause at the doorway.

«Are you going to dawdle for a long time?» her husband’s discontented voice snapped her back to reality.

As she left the apartment, Marina habitually slammed the door behind her. She needed to vent. Even if it was just a little.

That evening, Marina returned home with a heavy heart. In the elevator, she checked her phone—three missed calls from her mother-in-law. The last thing she now wanted was to talk with Tamara Ivanovna.

That woman had always evoked mixed feelings in Marina. At the beginning of their relationship, the mother-in-law seemed kind and caring. But Marina quickly realized that such care was only for Sergey. And all the misfortunes in his life, in Tamara Ivanovna’s opinion, were due to having the wrong wife.

The apartment where the young couple lived immediately became a bone of contention. The mother-in-law believed that since her son lived there, it was their shared territory. And her son supported this position, hinting to Marina that she was too fixated on her rights.

Marina always tried to temper her mother-in-law’s fervor. But the last few months had been especially hard. Tamara Ivanovna began to visit more frequently, running the household and criticizing her daughter-in-law.

«A woman must be wise!» the mother-in-law loved to say, sitting down next to Marina in the kitchen. «You need to understand a man, not nitpick at him!»

Marina usually remained silent in response. She understood that any arguments were useless with Tamara Ivanovna. The mother-in-law only heard what she wanted to hear, and she supported her son in all his endeavors—even if it meant lounging on the sofa while his wife worked herself to exhaustion.

As Marina approached the apartment, she decided not to call back her mother-in-law. Let there be a scandal. But she didn’t have the energy for unnecessary disputes right now. There were already enough at home.

Gradually, Marina realized a terrifying truth. The marriage had turned into a mere façade. Her husband had become a dependent who constantly needed to find himself. And the mother-in-law was a perpetual irritant, always fanning the flames.

Arguments in the apartment had become a daily routine. Every evening turned into a “battlefield.” Marina would shout that she was tired of supporting a freeloader. Sergey would snap back, saying that she didn’t appreciate his efforts. And if Tamara Ivanovna was present, she would defend her son and accuse Marina of being unfeeling.

The next day proved to be a turning point for Marina. During her lunch break, she went to court and filed for divorce. The relief was incredible—as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

Now a conversation with Sergey awaited. Marina hoped everything would go smoothly. They were adults, and they should resolve everything civilly.

As she approached the apartment door, Marina pulled out her keys. But the keyhole looked different. Frowning, she tried inserting her key. It didn’t fit. She tried again, examining the door closely. The lock was completely new.

«What the heck?» Marina muttered to herself.

She rang the doorbell, but no one answered. Sergey had to be home. Where else could he go? Marina rang again, this time for longer. Silence.

Marina grabbed her phone and dialed her husband. The line rang, but no one picked up. It was strange. She tried again, with the same result.

Growing concern mounted. Horrible thoughts swirled in her mind. Maybe something had happened to Sergey? Maybe he was sick and couldn’t come to the door?

Marina rang the neighbors’ doorbell. No one answered. It was strange—usually the neighbor lady was always home in the evenings. Marina returned to her apartment and rang the buzzer again.

Suddenly, Marina’s eyes fell on a small pile against the wall. Looking closer, she froze. They were suitcases. Her suitcases.

«What the…» Marina moved closer.

Inside the suitcases lay her belongings. Clothes, books, cosmetics. Even an old box with childhood photographs was there. Someone had gathered everything that belonged to Marina—and placed it outside the door.

Her heart began to race. Panic, mixed with anger, surged inside her. Marina rang the door again—this time, long and insistently.

Footsteps echoed from the stairs. Someone was coming up. Her hope that it was Sergey quickly dissipated. The steps echoed with a clear, confident rhythm. Only one woman walked that way—Tamara Ivanovna.

The mother-in-law appeared on the landing, looking victorious. Her eyes glinted with ill will. She stopped in front of Marina and dramatically produced a set of keys.

Without saying a word, the mother-in-law unlocked the door. Marina attempted to enter, but was blocked by an outstretched arm. Tamara Ivanovna barred the way.

«My son will continue living in this apartment, and you, get out! You’ve completely worn him out. How long are you going to pester my son? Now, you’ve had it!»

The mother-in-law beamed with unmistakable pleasure. Marina could hardly believe her ears.

«What? This is my apartment!»

«It used to be yours, now it’s ours,» Tamara Ivanovna snapped. «Sergey has the right to live here. You’re his wife.»

«Where is Sergey?» Marina tried to keep her cool. «I want to speak with him.»

«He’s not here,» Tamara Ivanovna waved dismissively. «And you have nothing to say to him. Take your things and find somewhere else to live.»

Marina looked at her mother-in-law in disbelief. Sergey had allowed her to be evicted from her own apartment. He hadn’t even had the courage to say it to her face. He simply changed the locks and ran away.

«I’m calling the police,» Marina threatened.

«Call away,» Tamara Ivanovna smirked. «They won’t be of any help. You yourself let your husband into the house. Now your legal spouse lives here.»

Tamara Ivanovna was clearly convinced of her own righteousness. And that conviction chilled Marina. Could it really be allowed? Was the law on their side?

Marina tried to force her way into the apartment. But the mother-in-law proved too strong. She pushed Marina away and quickly slammed the door, locking it.

Only then did Marina realize she was crying. Tears streamed down her cheeks, blurring her vision. She wiped them away with her sleeve and took a deep breath.

«Well, this isn’t over so easily.»

Marina headed downstairs and went straight to the nearest police station. There, she was listened to attentively. But the answer was disheartening. Family quarrels—especially those involving living space—were among the most complicated issues.

«You need to take this to court,» the policeman advised. «And it’s best you get a good lawyer.»

Marina left the station with a heavy heart.

That night, Marina spent the night at a friend’s place. And in the morning, her struggle began. She found a lawyer, explained the situation, and filed a claim for the illegal takeover of the apartment.

«It will take quite some time,» the lawyer warned. «Such cases don’t resolve quickly. We need to verify the authenticity of the documents.»

«I have all the time in the world. And I have the apartment documents and the inheritance certificate, all here,» she replied.

At that moment, Marina was glad that she had brought all her documents when she went to file for divorce.

The court case dragged on. Sergey and Tamara Ivanovna were not about to give up easily. They even hired their own lawyer. They even claimed that Marina had handed over the keys herself.

But the truth was on Marina’s side. The court took into account all the property documents. The locks that had been changed without the owner’s knowledge became the decisive evidence. And the judge delivered the verdict:

«The apartment is recognized as the property of Marina Viktorovna.»

The young woman exhaled deeply. Her former in-laws were ordered to leave the apartment and also to pay compensation for moral damages.

Tamara Ivanovna shouted something after Marina, but the young woman did not look back. Victory was hers—complete and unconditional.

Marina entered her apartment after a forced absence. And an unsettling feeling overcame her. The walls seemed to be permeated with the presence of others. The furniture was not in its place. Stranger things lay scattered everywhere.

Marina flung open the window and inhaled the fresh air. A decision came to her naturally. Everything had to change. The apartment had to become new. Her own.

With the compensation money, Marina renovated the place. She replaced the wallpaper, bought new furniture, and threw away everything that reminded her of her past life.

Each day brought something new. Marina befriended her neighbor, Anna Petrovna. She discovered a new hobby. She began spending more time with friends. Life filled with new colors.

One day, Marina saw Sergey sitting on a bench near the entrance. Her ex-husband looked disheveled. He raised his eyes and noticed Marina.

«Shall we talk?» Sergey asked.

«We have nothing to talk about,» Marina replied firmly. «Lawyers have already said it all.»

«I was wrong,» Sergey mumbled. «I understand everything now. You know what my mother is like. Living with her is impossible. You are the best.»

«Too late,» Marina said as she walked past him. «There is no trust. I no longer want to hold you back. You’re such a worm.»

She went back to her apartment, locked the door behind her, and then approached the window. Sergey was still sitting there, as if unsure of where to go next.

Marina turned away. The past was behind her. Trust in relationships is very important, but it is equally important to protect your rights—always and to the end.

This whole experience became a valuable lesson for Marina. You must not allow those who do not respect your boundaries to infringe upon them. And you must safeguard your life and your home, never letting anyone else dictate what happens to them.