Grandma’s Rules

«If you leave with the children now, I won’t take you back,» Tatiana Petrovna shrieked. «Just so you know: I will bequeath the apartment to an animal shelter!» «Do what you want,» I replied wearily. «But we won’t stay here a second longer.» My world crumbled in an instant. Just yesterday, Alexey and I, with […]


«My mom has been living in your apartment for three months now, transfer the property to her,» the husband demanded. A case from practice.

«I can’t manage anything!» In despair, I just wanted to cry helplessly. «You never manage to finish anything! Others somehow cope!» my husband reproached me irritably, instead of offering even moral support. «Vitya, I’m alone. I have only two hands, not ten. I need to take care of Kostya, who is on me twenty-four seven, […]


Kirill was accustomed to nighttime drives. He loved the quiet of empty roads, the lulling rhythm of tires, and the time alone with his thoughts.

Kirill was long accustomed to night drives. He loved the silence of empty roads, the lulling rhythm of tires, and time alone with his thoughts. During such hours, even the most chaotic thoughts came into order, as if the road helped line them up. But that night, something was off. The forest he drove through […]
