They arrived without warning. Wanted to make a surprise. And then this… — Marinka, hello! We haven’t seen each other for so long. How are you?

— Mariya, hello! It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other. How are you? — Hello! Emma? Marina didn’t recognize her cousin’s voice right away. The last time they visited was about five years ago with Aunt Zoya. They rarely called, only when they needed something. That’s why the unexpected call made Marina wary. […]


What are you doing?!» the husband froze. «I’m leaving, Sergey,» the wife replied tonelessly. «Nina Ivanovna won’t let us live. I can’t take it anymore.» «This is just garbage!» Nina Ivanovna threw her spoon on the table.

— «This is just some slop!» Nina Ivanovna slammed her spoon down on the table. Her daughter-in-law, Nastya, blushed and ran out from the table. — «And under which fence did you find this ugly duck?!» Nina Ivanovna looked at her son, Sergey. — «She’s not an ugly duck, she’s my wife,» Sergey calmly replied. […]
