My son is not obliged to feed someone else’s child!» declared the mother-in-law, chasing the daughter-in-law’s daughter from the table.

Not a child, but a complete punishment! You’ll grow up just like your mother and then you’ll go on to vex some poor woman’s nerves just like your mother vexes mine!» Elizabeth Viktorovna grumbled at her daughter-in-law Oksana’s daughter. The girl sat at the table, staring at her plate where a spoonful of mashed potatoes […]


Your mother decided that my apartment is now yours to share? She is mistaken!» I said to my husband as I threw him out along with his things.

Maria absentmindedly looked out the window. Her fingers gently stroked a photograph in a frame. From the old picture, Tamara Ivanovna smiled. Aunt Tamara had been the only person to support Masha after her parents’ death. Even this apartment was Aunt Tamara’s last gift. Every corner reminded her of their tea times and long conversations. […]
